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Life transforming

"During ministry, one of the things the Holy Spirit showed me was that I had a broken self-image.  I was shocked to hear the Holy spirit told me that I had a self-loathing or self-hatred of myself, something I didn't realise but which resonated with me.  Then, God showed me what I really looked like and how He saw me, created in His image, completely whole in Christ Jesus. I came away from the time of ministry, full of peace but also shocked by all that God had done and had shown me. I did not know what to expect and all that I experienced blew me away and totally blessed my socks off. God was so gentle, calming and reassuring.  I came away having gotten rid of all the emotional garbage I had been carrying around probably for years. I cannot recommend it highly enough, if you want to move on in your relationship/walk with the living God. It has been absolutely life changing.”


"As a Born Again Christian for the past decade or more, I could not have envisaged what I was letting myself in for because I thought I was okay in my walk with the Lord. Having completed ministry, however, I must confess that it has certainly proved to be one of the most beneficial things I have ever done in my Christian life. I not only learnt new ways of seeking the Lord but I found myself in the process. This has allowed me to move to an unimaginable level of interaction with God through the Holy Spirit and I have been able to pursuit, with more energy and enthusiasm, my calling in the Lord as the Holy Spirit directs me. I now do what I learnt and it has brought me closer to the Lord in every possible way."


"Inner vows and wrong perception actually played a big role in my merit- rather than grace - driven mentality. I am so thankful for the revelation through ministry so that I could break out of this and embrace God's love and acceptance.  Also, I was delivered from the baggage of ungodly relationships in the past. As my husband also received fresh revelation about his identity during his ministry, I see God is doing something new and exciting in his life and it is a huge encouragement for me to do the same, applying God's truth and promises in all situations and be constantly renewed in my mind. 

As a couple, we become more open and vulnerable to each other about our personal struggles and our prayer life is definitely strengthened. So I just want to give God all the glory for His amazing love."

View of Meditation Garden

"I am really grateful for the Ministry. I have been so blessed. I felt so safe, so loved and supported. Most of all, I felt the difference. I felt joy and excitement in my spirit which I have lost these feeling for so long.......but God has restored them to me. God has removed the blockages that stopped me from trusting him and believing that I can overcome. This is a real major progress and this is really from the Holy Spirit, and even when I was reading the Bible, the scriptures made so much sense to me. Before that I was reading -You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free intellectually but now I really understand what this verse really mean. God has started his healing and deliverance on me.....All honor & glory to God !!!!"


"I had some difficult relationships with some classmates who despise and reject me. I have struggled a lot. I felt so down and rejected.  During ministry, God convicted me to forgive them and release judgements I had upon them. After the deep cleansing, the Holy Spirit is able to fill me greatly. God anointed me strongly, I saw in my vision that Jesus come to put His hands on my hands to receive His power of resurrection, I felt like the electricity power flowing through my whole body at the same time. He wanted me to know that I can love those who hate me by His power, not by my strength. I am now able to see my classmates with understanding and love by His grace. I believe that God did amazing and wonderful work on me."


"I do know even more than I ever have, that Jesus to whom I encountered so powerfully during ministry is with me each minute. I believe very strongly that every single person should go through this ministry, as I thought I was equipped before the ministry, but now realised I was only in my pants, The ministry has helped me dress and put on the armour of the Spirit of God. It has impacted me in a big way, and I am recharged in the battle for the Kingdom."


"In my nature I am not necessarily very open with 'strangers' about personal things, and especially my faith. The first thing that happened in my ministry time was that God answered my simple question - He said 'Yes.' This both shocked and amazed me at the same time - as I didn't expect God to answer so quickly to such an important question. This broke me right open - from the start. God cared enough to answer me like that. I could not hold stuff back from Him after that. What followed was a long journey into the Father's love: how He cared, wanted me to come to Him at any time with any request. He wants to know everything I feel, I do, I think. The ministry was very emotional for me. I cried with the revelation that God really knew all that had happened to me, and that He desperately wants the best for me. Since the ministry I have not been the same. I am exploring what it means to receive and live in the Father's love. I am so grateful for God's provision and look forward to the good things he has for me."

Dead Sea Scenery

"I have never cried so much and feel as though I was in a wrestling match...God was telling me to let go of destructive ways of thinking but I didn't want to... these patterns of thinking and behaviours have defined me for so long that I don't know who I am if I let them go! But praise God, by His grace I am leaving these things behind finally! Thank you for making these things possible. All praise to God."

Wild Nature

"I expected God to give me a spiritual spring-clean and actually what I received was a spiritual makeover! God is so gracious and provided a safe space and very gentle ministry for His work in me. The Lord gave me the grace and courage to look at dark shameful places in my life which were hidden behind closed doors, and then to bring out what was hidden in the darkness to the light. The precious blood of Jesus washed me completely clean, praise the Lord, and I have been set free from stuff that I didn't know was there. I know now in deeper ways than ever before that God loves me and I am beautiful and perfect in His sight because everything that God makes is beautiful and good, and I am good because I am His workmanship. I give all praise and glory and thanks to God."


"I was sexually abused when I was young. Since then, I had a very difficult relationship with people around me. I felt that I didn’t belong to this world.  I felt victimized and rejected. I felt confused about my identity. During ministry, Jesus took me to my hurtful past and healed me there. I now know that I could relate to people. Jesus loves me so much and talks to me. I have had a lot of personal revelation again and again. I know that I belong to God now. He has provided me many godly brothers and sisters I can safely relate to. I get to know who I am in Christ and no longer confused. Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free."

Forest Trees

"Sometimes you think you are sure that you have been healed from your past and from what has happened to you but when I was ministered to, I was very surprised, and although it was painful, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I was totally healed. This has helped me a lot in my relationship with my two daughters, especially the younger one. Whenever she disobeyed me or answered me back with ungodly words, I shouted at her and afterwards, I feel bad and guilty and it affected us a lot. Now things have dramatically changed for us. My relationship with my daughter is now very good, we even pray regularly together and when we disagree, she would ask for forgiveness. Our relationship has really completely changed.  I am so happy and I want to recommend everyone to this ministry which has helped me to be more sensitive to God, have a better relationship with God and also to learn to let Him deal with my issues, so that I can walk in His joy, freedom and victory."

Sunrise on Nature

"As a single, sometimes I had experienced frustration as to why I did not yet have a partner. However, during ministry the Holy Spirit showed me I was placing my security on a marriage rather than on God. He also showed me that my longing came from my childhood loneliness while my parents were away for a while. I am so grateful to God that through this ministry HE healed my pain and restored my security in Him, So free...."

Image by Casey Horner

“I was amazed and humbled to learn so much about myself and my false self-image built upon the lies of the enemy, and the effect this has all had on my life, my behaviour and my thinking. God, in His great and magnificent mercy, gently stripped away the masks and deceptions and revealed to me how He sees me who I truly am. Now I KNOW my true identity deep in my heart, way, way deeper than head knowledge. It’s hard to explain, but there has been a marked inner change in me, a shift deep within my very being, in my self-image, which has given me a more profound peace and sense of security and confidence in Christ. I’m not who I thought I was in my mind. I’m more than that, much more. Praise and thanksgivings and all glory to our wonderful Father God, to our Lord Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit whose workmanship I am. This ministry has blessed me beyond measure."

Image by Benjamin Voros

“I have been round the valley so many times without succeeding in anything in my life.  Been prayed for but nothing happened in my life always failing and facing difficulties, never ending and this made me very frustrated. Someone told me that I would benefit from this ministry. During ministry, it seems that God put on His surgical gloves, outfit and the tools, dissected my body and removed all the unwanted lies the enemy had implanted in me all these years. Now God has given me a shield that will deter the enemy’s lies every time the devil tried his tricks – this time round I have been enlightened by God’s Spirit and His Blood and the shield given to me is extremely powerful and strong that whatever the devil throws at me, it will bounce back. Finally, if you are on the fence, I would encourage you to please book yourself to the personal ministry – just try it and all I can say is that your life will never be the same again.  God is no respecter of persons, if He did for me, He will definitely do it for you but you have to open your heart."

Looking at the View

“I didn’t think my life had many pressing issues that needed to be dealt with. I thought that I had handled past hurts relatively well and viewed any lingering issues as being trivial but God has revealed to me how much of the motivation behind my old way of thinking had to do with a sense of buried shame and guilt; not realizing that my past hurts had further reaching consequences which affected how I viewed others and how much I was able to trust people in my life.  There is no burden too big or small in God’s eyes that He does not want to see resolved in our lives because He desires for all His children to experience perfect freedom and security. I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to receive this gift which God is offering through this wonderful ministry.”

Image by Ryo Yoshitake

“To be effective, we need the ‘washing of the Word’ and the ‘ministry of the Holy Spirit’. If, like me, you have forgotten the importance of this because of daily life concerns, then this ministry is for you. It is possible to attend church, to be in a ministerial position, to be busy with activity and to slip into working in your own strength, striving, getting worn out and frustrated. There are no secrets to this, our source should be God and only He can refresh us. For this reason, I am very grateful for this ministry.”

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