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To help individuals have an intimate relationship with
God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, by encountering Him and experiencing truths that set them free to progress in the journey of sanctification.
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About the Author

Koock Hyang Kim  is on the pastoral staff team of a multicultural, independent evangelical church in central London. Originally from South Korea, Koock Hyang studied Genetic Engineering at university but was called to be a missionary to the UK, where she has served with a number of Christian organizations. At her church, she leads a ministry that helps people to find healing and wholeness in the Lord Jesus Christ and, ultimately, their purpose in His kingdom.


Foreword by
Suman Fernando

Suman Fernando is  one of the world's leading scholars and researchers in race, culture and mental health.

Writer and former consultant psychiatrist.


Author of Mental Health, Race and Culture, third edition (Macmillan International & Red Globe Press, London, 2010) and co-editor of Global Psychologies: Mental Health and the Global South (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2018).




It is a pleasure to welcome Always and Forever, a book that I believe will prove to be of value to many people. The author, a deeply religious person herself, has provided Christian Ministry for many years. In addition, over the past fourteen years, she has developed her own methods of counselling and trained people in providing counselling. I have had many discussions with her about her work and my own as a psychiatrist and academic interested in the diversity of ways in which people round the world, in various cultural settings and from diverse backgrounds, deal with problems of the ‘mind’ — what we often call mental health problems. In hearing about her work, I have come to recognize the value of counselling that is religion-based, as well as its potential in helping people who are not particularly religious to help themselves, drawing on their own belief systems — and in my view we all have beliefs and values that inform our lives as human beings. In this book, Koock Hyang Kim describes a system of self-counselling that she has developed, which a person requiring psychological help can use without the need for interacting with a specialist counsellor or therapist. Clearly, the person seeking help must apply the system by herself or himself, with the background here being a Christian belief system, but I reckon the basic approach can be adapted to other belief systems, and so this book could be a starting point for self-development for anyone sufficiently motivated to apply always and forever viii themselves to the task. The author herself has found that the method of self-counselling presented in this book has already helped many hundreds of individuals from a variety of backgrounds. And, most importantly, this is a book well suited to the multicultural societies of modern Britain.

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The book is available in all good bookshops and online retailers, including the links below.

A Glimpse of the Book


Everyone who thirsts,

Come to the waters;

And you who have no money,

Come, buy and eat.

Yes, come, buy wine and milk

Without money and without price.

Why do you spend money for what is not bread,

And your wages for what does not satisfy?

Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good . . .

Hear, and your soul shall live;

And I will make an everlasting covenant with you.


(Isaiah 55:1–3 nkjv)

What do we do when we or someone we love faces difficulties?


We try to find help, don’t we? Sometimes solutions to problems come via counsellors but the field of counselling is complicated and vast, with many methods available. So, where do we turn? Is there anyone out there who can solve all our problems? Let’s say I know the Best Counsellor. He isn’t asking for money. He isn’t busy. He has all the time in the world for you. He can help you to solve your problems. If I offered to introduce him to you, wouldn’t you leap at the opportunity? If so, I’m glad you’ve opened this book. I do know the Best Counsellor and I’m very honoured to introduce you to Him, the One you can talk to at any time, throughout your whole life.


No problem with the Best Counsellor!

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